O-Shot for Women

Improve Women

Improve Women

With PRP O-Shot Therapy

Sexual wellness is a crucial aspect of overall health and well-being. It goes beyond physical pleasure and is linked to emotional and psychological well-being. Sexual dysfunction can cause stress, anxiety, and relationship problems. Thus, it's important to address sexual wellness issues to improve one's quality of life.

Available at Mariata, GA Location Only

PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy

PRP therapy, or platelet-rich plasma therapy, has become an increasingly popular treatment option for sexual wellness in recent years. PRP contains growth factors and other healing properties that stimulate tissue regeneration and repair. When used for sexual health, PRP injections can help to improve sexual function, increase sensitivity, and enhance pleasure. Additionally, PRP therapy can be a safe and effective alternative to surgery or medication for those seeking a non-invasive and natural approach to sexual wellness.

O-Shot for Women

O-Shot for Women

One of the treatments that OMNI Medspa offers for women's sexual wellness is the O-Shot. This procedure involves using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) derived from the patient's blood. The PRP is injected into the patient's clitoris and vaginal walls, which can lead to improved sexual function, including increased sensitivity, improved lubrication, and stronger orgasms. The O-Shot can also help with urinary incontinence, enhancing a woman's overall quality of life.

O-Shot Benefits

Increased sexual desire and arousal

Improved vaginal lubrication

Stronger and more frequent orgasms

Reduced pain during intercourse

Decreased urinary incontinence

Trained by O-Shot Inventor Dr. Charles Runels

Trained by O-Shot Inventor Dr. Charles Runels

OMNI Medspa is proud to have been trained by Dr. Charles Runels, the inventor of the O-Shot. Dr. Runels is a pioneer in sexual wellness and has dedicated his career to developing innovative therapies to help women achieve optimal sexual health. His expertise and guidance have been invaluable to OMNI Medspa in providing our patients with the best possible care and results seeking sexual wellness treatments. By training with Dr. Runels, OMNI Medspa has access to the latest advancements and techniques in the field, ensuring that our patients receive the highest quality care available. Call us today to schedule a consultation to learn if the O-Shot for women is right for you.

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